Angkor Conservation, Digitized Collections EFEO is developing the digitization of the Conservation d'Angkor Archives, from 1908 to 1992.
Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions Online /SEAlang More than half of the some 1,200 Khmer inscriptions retrieved and deciphered are searchable online and indexed by location, date, idiom.
Pearic Language in the Cardamom Mountains Audio collection of studies of Pear, Chong, Samre, Brao and Tampuan languages developed by Marie Alexandrine Martin in the 1960s and 1970s
Russia / Siam A trove of historical notations on Russian-Siamese relations in the 19th-20th centuries
T'oung Pao online First issues of the reputed 'Orientalist' journal launched in 1890 now accessible online
Khmerologie Khmer proverbs and sayings commented by a linguist with a good sense of humor, notations on Cambodian customs and mores...
Asian Historical Architecture Photo depository on early Asian architecture nurtured by numerous contributors around the world
The South East Asian Review An interdisciplinary review founded in 1976 byt two renowned Indian scholars
The Zelnik Istvan Southeast Asian Gold Museum Private collection of Southeasr Asian art in Budapest, Hungary, including several Cambodian pidan and ikat silkworks
Journal of Mekong Societies From China to Vietnam and Cambodia, a modern approach to mainland Southeast Asian societies, their history and culture
Angkor National Museum Bulletin ព្រឹត្តិប័ត្រសារមន្ទីរជាតិអង្គរ A useful online resource for researchers and Angkor lovers.
The Southeast Asia Ceramic Society (SEACS) The website reflecting work and publications around the collection created by William Willets in 1969 at the University Art Museum, Singapore
DHARMA Project A transnational project on epigraphy and philology, including the corpus of Khmer inscriptions
KOD (Khmer Online Dictionary) KOD has three types of Khmer dictionary (Khmer-Khmer, Khmer-English, and English-Khmer), witha full text search capability.
Official Website for H.M. Norodom Sihanouk, the King-Father The Royal Family of Cambodia and historic documents related to the late King Norodom Sihanouk.
Литература по Камбодже — 50 книг | 50 Books About Cambodia (Russian Language) Selection of literature on Cambodia in Russian Language.
Siddham, The Asia Inscriptions Database A great online resource for inscriptions in the languages of south, central and south-east Asia