Publications Les habitants d'Angkor, Une lecture dans l’espace et dans le temps des inscriptions sociales de populations villageoises installées dans un territoire ancien [Inhabiting Angkor Area] by Fabienne Luco The complex and inspiring story of communities dwelling near the Angkor temples. In French
Links Tonle Sap Lake CAPFISH-Pavilion Documentation Documentation database on ecotourism perspectives for TSBR area. In English, French, Khmer, German, Chinese, Spanish & Vietnamese
Films Raja Bori រាជបូរី (2002) A lesser-known feature movie dealing with serious matters - art looting, perpetuation of art traditions - at the start of Cambodia's "Second Kingdom" period. In Khmer
Links Chuon Nath's Khmer Dictionary The Chuon Nath's Khmer Dictionary, a reference for Khmer linguists and researchers. In Khmer
Books Histoire du Cambodge de la fin du XVIe siecle au XVIIIeme siecle [Cambodia from the end of 16th to the 18th century] by Phoeun Mak The reference study in 17th century Cambodia, its internal turmoil and the ever more complicated relations with its powerful neighbors, Siam and Vietnam. In French
Publications A Siamese Prince Journeys to Angkor: Encounters with a Shared Heritage by Alexandra Denes A study on 1925 Prince Damrong's Nirat Nakhon Wat, In English
Books The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays by Clifford James Geertz The methodology of a contemporary anthropology master. In English
Khmer Art Worldwide The Bogus "Radcliffe Collection" and its Magnificent Pieces by Andy Brouwer Elucidating the mystery of a bogus collection by the late master trafficker Douglas Latchford. Some of the pieces are now back to Cambodia.
Books Ying-yai Sheng-lan 瀛涯勝覽 | 'The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores' The reference travelogue of Ma Huan, interperter and translator with Zheng He's flotilla: how China saw the world in the early Ming dynasty era. In English
Publications HM King Norodom Sihanouk: A Personal Portrait I Interview with Ambassador Julio Jeldres by Angkor Database & Julio A. Jeldres On the eve of King Sihanouk's centennial anniversary, a conversation with Julio Jeldres, close collaborator and witness to history. In English
Publications Preah Norodom Sihanouk-Angkor Museum សារៈមន្ទីរព្រះនរោត្តម សីហនុ-អង្ by Angkor Database The Cambodian museum closest to Angkor, with strong ties to the local communities and the ongoing archaeological research. In English
Books Angkor Buddhist Treasures from Banteay Kdei | Preah Norodom Sihanouk Angkor Museum by Yoshiaki Ishizawa The discovery of 274 discarded Buddhist statues at Prasat Banteay Kdei in March and August 2001 by a team of Sophia University and Cambodian archaeologists. In English
Publications Is the Siem Reap River a river? by Terry Lustig & Matti Kummu No, it's a 'channel', an artificial watershed, reply the authors, became a river in modern era. And we add new perspectives for this channel-river. In English
Books Treasures of the Albert Hall Museum, Jaipur by Chandramani Singh Entirely renovated in July 2008, a one-of-a-kind museum showcasing heritage treasures from Rajasthan, India, and the world. In English
Publications Titayna: How I Stole the Head of an Angkor Buddha by Titaÿna The flamboyant Titayna and her Surrealist 'gratuitous art' in Angkor Wat. Provoking the gods, challenging the humans, asking a question that still haunts us. In English & French
Publications The Queen Mother Library by The Queen Mother Library A valuable resource for Cambodian history researchers and the general public. In English & Khmer
Books Les collections khmeres du Musée Albert Sarraut | Khmer Art Collections of the Phnom Penh Museum by George Groslier The earliest attempt to catalog the National Museum of Cambodia vast collection. In French
Books Angkor Wat & Cultural Ties With India-PRINT by K.M. Srivastava Considerations on Angkor and architectural preservation by a leading Indian archeologist. In English
Books Angkor Wat & Cultural Ties With India-DIG by K.M. Srivastava Considerations on Angkor Wat and architectural preservation by a leading Indian archeologist. In English
Publications One Hundred Years of Solipsism: The Malraux Case Revisited by Angkor Database One century later, André Malraux's raid on Banteay Srei bas-reliefs is still raising interest and controversy. In English & French
Books Chasses au tigre et a l'éléphant: un hiver au Cambodge / A Winter in Cambodia by Edgar Boulangier One of the first published travel accounts from French explorers at the end of the 19th century, with hunting anecdotes and -- fortunately -- much more... In French
Links Endangered Cham Manuscripts of Vietnam 977 manuscripts in Chamic language, vinculated to the Cham communities in modern Vietnam. In English & Chamic languages
Books Wondrous Angkor by Deane H. Dickason A quite insightful guidebook of Angkor temples aimed at affluent English-speaking tourists in the 1930s. In English
Publications April 2004: Jackie Chan Goes to Angkor by Angkor Database The iconic actor discovered Cambodia in 2004. He was back the year after, and then again in 2009, always with a dream: starring and directing a movie here. In English
Books វចនានុក្រមរុក្ខជាតិប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា |Plantes utilisées au Cambodge | Plants Used in Cambodia by Pauline Dy Phon The monumental opus by Cambodian botanist Pauline Dy Phon, with cross-referenced indexes, trilingual descriptions, Khmer original and romanized names. In English, French & Khmer
Links Jean Despujols Collection at The Meadows Museum of Art Indochina from the 1930s in a Louisiana museum of art. In English
Books Les loups de Paris | Le Club des Morts [Wolves of Paris - The Club of the Dead] by Jules Lermina A serialized novel set in a louche ring of adventurers searching for the "Treasure of the Khmers". In French
Books វចនានុក្រមរុក្ខជាតិប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា |Plantes utilisées au Cambodge | Plants Used in Cambodia by Pauline Dy Phon The essential reference book on Cambodian flora, published in 2000. In English, French & Khmer
Links Heritage as a Transcultural Concept - Angkor Vat from an Object of Colonial Archaeology to a Contemporary Global Icon A research project on "Heritage as a Transcultural Concept - Angkor Vat from an Object of Colonial Archaeology to a Contemporary Global Icon." In English & German
Publications Cambodian Women Architects and the restoration at Angkor Thom by Thmey Thmey 25 Young women architects lead the renovation of the severely damaged Angkor Thom West Gate and of the Bayon platforms. In English & Khmer
Books Tendances de l'Art Khmer | Trends in Khmer Art by Jean Boisselier 'Commentaries on 24 Masterpieces at the National Museum of Phnom Penh'. In French
Books The Lotus Transcendent: Indian and Southeast Asian Art from the Samuel Eilenberg Collection by Martin Lerner & Steven Kossak A magnificent art collection, presented when 'provenance' only meant speculations about dates and styles, not how rightfully (or not) artworks were bought. In English
Films Crépuscule | Twilight by Sihanouk Norodom A lyrical invocation to the ancient history of Cambodia, intertwined with a love story set in Angkor In French & Khmer
Books Le Roi du Mal (King of Evil) by Jules Lermina The sequel of a popular French mystery novel reflecting a remarkable knowledge of Angkor only a few years after Henri Mouhot's 'rediscovery'. In French
Books Documents graphiques de la Conservation d'Angkor, 1963-1973 by Jacques Dumarçay Guardian of artistic treasures from the Khmer Temples, the Angkor Conservation also produced and stored detailed blue prints and archaeological field reports.
Links Southeast Asian Archaeology Newsletter SEAArch: keep being posted about latest archaelogy findings and cultural events across Southeast Asia.
Publications Histoire architecturale du Baphuon / The Baphuon, Architectural History & Chronology by Pascal Royère How the particular spatial organization of this version of the 'temple-mountain' prefigured Angkor Wat. In French
Publications The Chau Say Tevoda and Ta Keo Restoration Projects Two major restoration projects in Angkor Thom led by the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (CACH) In English & Chinese
Publications Matching Statues and Pedestals by Anthony Kuhn Truncated feet, arms and heads -- the sad pattern of looted artefacts worldwide. A study in sculptuarry art restoration challenges. In English
Books Voyage au Cambodge, l'architecture khmer by Louis Delaporte Major essay on Khmer architecture, past and pre-modern. In French
Links Immersive Angkor In-progress: the first immersive 3D museum dedicated to the Khmer heritage in Siem Reap. In English, French & Khmer
Publications The King's Other Career by Corinne Rivoallan In this 1997 interview, King Norodom Sihanouk talks about his movies and how they expressed his "love for my Cambodia and its people." In English
Publications About Jean Moura's house and Khmer collection by Angkor Database Mystery surrounds the auction sale of the first 'Director of the Protectorate of Cambodia''s archive and collection in 2017.
Publications Supply and Demand: exposing the illicit trade in Cambodian antiquities through a study of Sotheby's auction house by Tess Davis The dubious methods of international auction houses singled out by a respected observer of Ancient Khmer art market worldwide. In English
Publications The Global Hunt for Looted Khmer Art Treasures As restituted ancient artworks kept in museums worldwide are being flown back to Cambodia, the controversy around Douglas Latchford collection deepens.
Books Sangitaratnakara of S'arngadeva सङ्गीतरत्नाकर ('Ocean of Music and Dance') by P.S. Subrahmanya Sastri One of the oldest and longest Indian (Carnatic and Hindustani) treatise on music and dance, in Sanskrit, with two commentaries. In Sanskrit
Books La cinématographie de mon pere (My Father's Cinematography) | Fiction Movies Actors & Actresses by Sihamoni Norodom In this one chapter, the then-Prince Sihamoni comments on the actors and actresses who gave life to the King Father's filmic achievements.
Books Summary Biography of HM Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk by Som Ol Kong ព្រះរាជជីវប្រវត្តិសង្ខេប.ព្រះករុណ ព្រះបាទសម្ដេច ព្រះ នរោត្តម សីហនុ ព្រះបរមរតនកោដ្ឋ In English & Khmer
Publications Khmer Stone Sculptures: A Collection Seen from a Material Point of View by Federico Carò A scientific analysis of the stone sculptures kept at the controversial MET collection of Khmer art. In English
Books Cambodian Wooden Houses, 1,500 Years of Khmer Heritage by Darryl Leon Collins & Sokol Hok A central element of Cambodian culture, traditions and art, the wooden house is a link connecting Ancient Angkor and modern Cambodia. In English
Publications Cambodian Krishna at the Cleveland Museum: A Digital Feast “Revealing Krishna: Journey to Cambodia’s Sacred Mountain’'. In English
Books Looting in Angkor | Pillage a Angkor by ICOM & École Française d´Extrême-Orient (EFEO) 25 years after its publication, still a reference in the effort for tracing and retrieving looted Khmer arts.
Books Bridging The Gulf: Maritime Cultural Heritage of the Western Indian Ocean by Himanshu Prabha Ray Fishing and seafaring in the history of India and her contacts with the rest of the world. In English
Links Les Archives de la planete | Archives of the Planet | Albert Kahn Collections The monumental photo and film documentation on Planet Earth set up by philanthropist Albert Kahn
Links SPAFA Journal An open access resource on cultural and archaelogical research across Southeast Asia.
Links Angkor National Museum Bulletin ព្រឹត្តិប័ត្រសារមន្ទីរជាតិអង្គរ A useful online resource for researchers and Angkor lovers.
Links 中台禪寺 | The Chung Tai Chan Monastery A major collection of Buddhist art and writing set in Taiwan
Links The Zelnik Istvan Southeast Asian Gold Museum Private collection of Southeasr Asian art in Budapest, Hungary, including several Cambodian pidan and ikat silkworks
Links An updated website from The Apsara Authority. APSARA stands for Authority for the Protection and Safeguarding of Angkor and the Region of Angkor.
Films West Mebon, Temple and Lake by École Française d´Extrême-Orient (EFEO) True to the spirit of late archaeologist Pascal Royère, the documentary shows the intricate and huge teamwork behind a fascinating site, West Mebon Lake Temple. In English, French & Khmer
Publications Religious Concept in the Layout of the Ancient Khmer City of Koh Ker by Ichita Shimoda & Katsura Sato Decrypting the enigmatic urban project of Koh Ker with two leading architectural historians from the Japan-APSARA Team for Safeguarding Angkor. In English
Publications Chinese ceramics in SE Asia: Methodological considerations (Translation) by Bernard Philippe Groslier & Aedeen Cremin An English translation of Bernard-Philippe Groslier's notes on Chinese ceramics in Southeast Asia In English
Publications “高棉的微笑”柬埔寨古代文物与艺术展 | Khmer Smile: Cambodian Ancient Cultural Relics and Arts The Guangdong Museum 2015 exhibition was the first time Khmer artwork from the Funan, Zhenla and Angkorian periods were showcased in China. In Chinese
Publications From Colonial Maps to Visitor's Parcours by Michael S. Falser A critical interpretation of earlier travel guidebooks and mapping operations as colonial appropriation of the Angkorean space. In English
Publications Les dieux du Phnom Bok (Gods of Phnom Bok) by Pierre Baptiste Among the greatest achievments of ancient Khmer sculptors, the gods of Phnom Bok images are kept at Musée Guimet, Paris. In French
Publications The Musée Indo-Chinois in Paris: A Transcultural Perspective on Architectural Museums by Michael S. Falser A study in museology, art and architectural history, and colonial mindset related to Angkor. In English
Publications From “Originals” to Replicas: Diverse Significance of Khmer Statues by Keiko Miura How Hindu or other objects of earlier periods have been worshipped as neak tā by the communities living nearby the Khmer temples. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 1 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 2 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 3 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 4 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 5 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 6 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Publications Prasat Banteay Chhmar 3D Reconstruction, 7 by Olivier Cunin A synthesis of the architectural history of Prasat Banteay Chhmar, the 'temple-garrison'. In English
Photos Five Ancient Khmer Art Pieces returned to Cambodia, September 2021 The first five statues and artwork from the Latchford Collection shipped back to Cambodia
Khmer Art Worldwide Shiva and Uma, Husband and Wife - Banteay Srei by Andy Brouwer Entry #11 in Khmer Art Worldwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Vajimukha - Prasat Neang Khmau by Andy Brouwer Entry #12 in Khmer Art Worlwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Bronze Reclining Vishnu – West Mebon by Andy Brouwer Entry #13 in Khmer Art Worldwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Vishnu, Rama, Balarama - Phnom Da by Andy Brouwer Entry #7 in Khmer Art Worldwide
Khmer Art Worldwide Lintel - Prasat Sralao by Andy Brouwer Entry #8 in Khmer Art Worldwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Leper King or Yama – Terrace of the Leper King by Andy Brouwer Entry #10 in Khmer Art Worldwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Khmer Art at The National Gallery of Australia by Andy Brouwer Entry #15 in Khmer Art Worlwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Shiva Ardhanarishvara (“God is a Half-Woman”), II by Andy Brouwer Entry #3, Khmer Art Worldwide Photo Collection by Andy Brouwer
Khmer Art Worldwide The Strange "Exchange" of Khmer Art Between EFEO and Japan, 1941 by Andy Brouwer Entry #4, Khmer Art Worldwide Photo Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide King Jayavarman VII in Angkor Thom by Andy Brouwer Entry #5 in Khmer Art Worldwide Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide The Battle of Bhima versus Duryodhana – Prasat Chen, Koh Ker by Andy Brouwer Entry #6 in Khmer Art Collection
Khmer Art Worldwide Shiva Ardhanarishvara (“God is a Half-Woman”), I by Andy Brouwer Entry #2, Khmer Art Worldwide Photo Collection by Andy Brouwer
Khmer Art Worldwide The Giant Garuda of Koh Ker by Andy Brouwer Entry #1, Khmer Art Worldwide Photo Collection by Andy Brouwer
Books Angkor Wat by Michio Fujioka A remarkable approach of Angkor and pre-Angkorian structures by a Japanese architect and specialist of Hindu-Buddhist architecture
Books Henri Marchal, un architecte à Angkor by École Française d´Extrême-Orient (EFEO) & Henri Marchal How a young architect became one of the greatest archaeologists and conservators at Angkor. In French
Books World Heritage Angkor and Beyond: Circumstances and Implications of UNESCO Listings in Cambodia by Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin & Keiko Miura & Collective The prospection, selection and nomination of Cambodian archeological sites to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites List. In English
Books Angkor, sérénité bouddhique | The Serenity of Buddhism by Marc Riboud A deeply personal and reflective photographic work on Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and the Bayon. In English