Books កំណត់ហេតុរបស់លោក ជីវ តាក្វាន់ អំពីប្រពៃណីនៃអ្នកស្រុកចេនឡា [Chiv Ta-Kwan's Diary] | Zhou Daguan's Diary on Traditions of the People of Chenla The first Khmer translation of Zhou Daguan's 'Customs of Chenla', now fully available online. In Khmer & Chinese
Books Zhou Dagan's "Customs of Cambodia" by Michael Smithies & Zhou Daguan Another translation of the most ancient account of the life in Angkor by the Chinese merchant and traveler Zhou Daguan In English
Books 真腊风土记 [Revision and Annotation of The Land and Social Conditions of Chenla], by Xia Nai by Zhou Daguan & Nai Xia 吴哥数据库的最新收录书籍,周达观于1296年所记录的吴哥见闻《真腊风土记》:1/原本的复印本 2/2016年新版的由中国考古学家夏鼐于1981年所著的真腊风土记校注 In Chinese
Books Indian Epigraphy by Dineschandra Sircar An exhaustive study of Indian and Southeast Asia epigraphy by Prof. D.C. Sirkar. In English
Books A Dictionary of Pre-Angkorian Khmer by Philip N. Jenner The magnus opus of philologist and Old Khmer specialist Philip Jenner. Available here are the dictionaries of Angkorian Khmer (2) and Middle Khmer (3). In English & Old Khmer
Links Chuon Nath's Khmer Dictionary The Chuon Nath's Khmer Dictionary, a reference for Khmer linguists and researchers. In Khmer
Publications Les curieuses inscriptions du Cambodge (Curious Cambodian Inscriptions) by Éric Bourdonneau What make the ancient inscriptions of Cambodia so particular. In French
Links KOD (Khmer Online Dictionary) KOD has three types of Khmer dictionary (Khmer-Khmer, Khmer-English, and English-Khmer), witha full text search capability.
Books Histoire du Cambodge de la fin du XVIe siecle au XVIIIeme siecle [Cambodia from the end of 16th to the 18th century] by Phoeun Mak The reference study in 17th century Cambodia, its internal turmoil and the ever more complicated relations with its powerful neighbors, Siam and Vietnam. In French
Books ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រនៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ចាប់ពីចុងសតវត្សរ៍ទី១៦ រហូតដល់ដើមសតវត្សរ៍ទី១៨ |History of Cambodia from the end of 16th to 18th Centuries | by Phoeun Mak The Khmer translation and edition of Mak Phoeun's major study on 17th century Cambodia, initially published in French. In Khmer
Books Le Cambodge,II Les provinces siamoises [Cambodia II: The Siamese Provinces] by Etienne Aymonier The Khmer cultural and artistic heritage in the Siamese sphere of influence at the turn of the 20th century. In French
Links DHARMA Project A transnational project on epigraphy and philology, including the corpus of Khmer inscriptions
Publications Le Cambodge, t1-part1 by Etienne Aymonier Seminal essay on Cambodia, the land, its people and its history. Then director of the Ecole Coloniale, Etienne Aymonier was the first to give an overview of… In French
Books Le Phnom Kulen et sa région, Carte et Commentaire | Phnom Kulen and Its Area, Map and Monograph by Jean Boulbet Gods, Trees and Human Beings on Cambodia's sacred mountain. In French
Books The Angkorian World by Collective Pluridisciplinary, encyclopaedic, ambitious and often highly enjoyable synthesis and sum of Angkorean research to the date. In English
Books Le Cambodge, Abrégé d'histoire et de géographie | Cambodia, History and Geography Textbook by Collective How the history of Cambodia was taught in Indochina Catholic schools at the start of the 20th century In French
Publications Notes to Accompany a Map of Cambodia, 1851 by Angkor Database An early map of Cambodia drawn in Singapore with information from Constantine de Monteiro, King Ang Duong's representative. In English
Publications Water Management in Angkor by Collective From "the hydraulic city" to a more sober approach on water management in Angkor. In English
Books Cambodia Captured by Jim Mizerski Angkor's First Photographers in 1860's Colonial Intrigues In English
Books The Khmer Empire by Claude Jacques & Philippe Lafond Cities and Sanctuaries from the 5th to the 13th Century In English
Books Stories in Stone: The Sdok Kok Thom Inscription & the Enigma of Khmer History by John Burgess . In English
Books Melanges sur l'Archéologie du Cambodge by Bernard Philippe Groslier Close friend of King Norodom Sihanouk´s since childhood, Bernard Philippe Groslier, born in Cambodia the son of famous Khmerologist George Groslier, shares… In French
Links ChinaKnowledge A useful online resource on Chinese history, literature, religions and philosophies. In English & Chinese
Books The Culinary Art of Cambodia | តម្រាភោជនាហារ by Rasmi Sobbhana Norodom & Angkor Database A major contribution to the cultural history of Cambodia, augmented republication of 1960 and 1970 English and Khmer collections of culinary recipes. In English & Khmer
Publications Mémoires sur les Coutumes du Cambodge [On Zhou Daguan's Customs of Cambodia] by Paul Pelliot Paul Pelliot's groundbreaking translation and annotation of the 13th century account on Angkor by Chinese traveler Zhou Daguan. In French & Chinese
Books 真腊风土记 (The Land and Social Conditions of Chenla) by Zhou Daguan 吴哥数据库的最新收录书籍,周达观于1296年所记录的吴哥见闻《真腊风土记》:1/原本的复印本 2/2016年新版的由中国考古学家夏鼐于1981年所著的真腊风土记校注 In Chinese
Links A Manual of pre-Angkorian Khmer with Grammatical Notes: The Dated Inscriptions, by Philip N. Jenner A useful philologic and epigraphic study of the pre-Angkorian dated inscriptions. In English & Old Khmer
Links Angkor Database Assistant Researcher: Job Description Assistant Researcher, Part-Time Position. In English & Khmer
Books A History of Cambodia by David P. Chandler One of the major must-read studies on Cambodia history. In English
Books Angkor silencieux by Michel Butor & Narang Nouth & Philippe Gras Following Michel Butor's soaring vision of Angkor, the more conventional, scholarly but extremely enjoyable historical essay by Nouth Narang.
Books វចនានុក្រមរុក្ខជាតិប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា |Plantes utilisées au Cambodge | Plants Used in Cambodia by Pauline Dy Phon The monumental opus by Cambodian botanist Pauline Dy Phon, with cross-referenced indexes, trilingual descriptions, Khmer original and romanized names. In English, French & Khmer
Books The Natyashastra, English Translation by Manomohan Ghosh The first integral English translation of the Sanskrit Treatise on Hindu Dance, "Dramaturgy and Histrionics". In English & Sanskrit
Books Kambuja-desa, or An Ancient Hindu Colony in Cambodia by R.C. Majumdar An India-centered approach of Cambodia, Champa and the "Indian colonization" of Southeast Asia". In English
Publications Portrait of King Jayavarman VII by Sophorn Vern Since 1903, statues and bas-reliefs picturing King Jayavarman VII have been extensively studied. This essay summarizes theories and stimulates further research. In English
Books Les "marches" d'Angkor | Guide archéologique du Cambodge | Archaeological Guide of Cambodia T. VI The spatial development of pre-Angkorean and Angkorean religious and social systems in a vast area spreading from Tonle Sap Lake to Phnom Kulen. In French
Books Vocabulaire francais-cambodgien et cambodgien francais | French-Khmer Vocabulary by Jean Moura A bilingual manual of conversation which is also an interesting snapshot of the first years of the French Protectorate in Cambodia. In French & Khmer
Books វចនានុក្រមរុក្ខជាតិប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា |Plantes utilisées au Cambodge | Plants Used in Cambodia by Pauline Dy Phon The essential reference book on Cambodian flora, published in 2000. In English, French & Khmer
Publications Note on Names of Queens in Ancient Cambodia by Tain Gree The etymology and meaning of the names of twenty-six illustrious queens of Ancient Cambodia. In English
Links Heritage as a Transcultural Concept - Angkor Vat from an Object of Colonial Archaeology to a Contemporary Global Icon A research project on "Heritage as a Transcultural Concept - Angkor Vat from an Object of Colonial Archaeology to a Contemporary Global Icon." In English & German
Publications The Botanist's Corner by Angkor Database Angkor Database 'Botanist's Corner' aspires at furthering the titanic work initiated by Cambodian botanist Pauline Dy Pho
Books គំរូក្បាច់ខ្មែរ សម្រាប់ប្រើក្នុងការប៉ាក់របស់ ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ក្សត្រី | Motifs decoratifs khmers a l'usage de la broderie [Khmer Embroidery Patterns] by Rasmi Sobbhana Norodom A unique document on Cambodian decorative patterns and embroidery style from the 1930s, listing kbach elements inherited from ancient traditions. In French & Khmer
Books Early Indo-Cambodian Contacts (Literary and Linguistic) by Kalyan Kumar Sarkar A textual and linguistical revisitation of pre-Angkorean and Angkorean inscriptions by a renowned Indian researcher. In English
Books Flora Cochinchinensis by Joao de Loureiro Probably the earliest botanical survey of the region by a Western observer, including some 1,600 species In Portuguese & Latin
Links Vietnamica ERC A rich online research tools devoted to the history of Vietnam and ex-Indochina. In French & Vietnamese
Books The Measured Art: A Proportional Analysis of Early Khmer Sculpture by Nancy H. Dowling A proposed new periodization for pre-Angkorean sculptures. In English
Books Chamic and Beyond: studies in mainland Austronesian languages by Paul Sidwell & Anthony Paul Grant How linguistics can help refine our perspective on Champa and other ancient Kingdoms of Southeast Asia. In English
Films Jungle Bound: Angkor, Cambodia by Travel Film Archive & Deane H. Dickason A smart compilation of Angkor daily life and artistic activities in the late 1930s. In English
Books Royal Succession in Ancient Cambodia by Adhir Chakravarti Matrilinear and patrilinear succession lines, plus some conquerors or usurpers: the complex genealogy of pre-Angkorean and Angkorean sovereigns. In English
Publications Glossary for Angkor Lovers and Researchers by Angkor Database From 'acharya' to 'yuga', we collect and explain the many archeological, historical, architectural, cultural and religious terms related to Angkorean research. In English, French, Khmer, Chinese, Portuguese, Sanskrit, Thai, Lao, Pali, Vietnamese, Tamil & Old Khmer
Publications L’intérêt linguistique des transcriptions chinoises concernant le Cambodge ancien (Fou-nan et Tchen-la) [Linguistic Interest of Chinese Transcriptions Related to Ancient Cambodia] by Michel Ferlus Novel insights on Funan and Chenla as reflected in Chinese chronicles, by a renowned linguist. In French
Links Royal Ark of Cambodia The genealogy and chronology of the Varman Dynasty, Royal House of Cambodia. In English
Links Kerdomnel Khmer Foundation An attempt to collect and federate research endeavors, mostly for the Cambodian public. កេរ្តិ៍ដំណែល means "legacy" in Khmer. Launched in 2012 by Dr Chen…
Links Taobaberocks: Taoism, I Ching, Vietnamese and SEA stories From divination to 'dragon bloodline' to Ancient Viet Archaeology, a profuse, unpredictable and stimulating spring of thoughts, insights and musings. In English, Chinese & Vietnamese
Books The Angkorian Records by Amina Ahmed Kar Poetry, mysticism and eschatology in the Khmer inscriptions of the Angkorean period, in this inspired essay written by an Indian woman artist. In English, Sanskrit & Old Khmer
Films ¨Lost Worlds¨ in Angkor by Lost Worlds Series A tad kitschy, with great photography and some interesting insights. In English
Links Alison in Cambodia A trove of updated news on archaeological and historical research in Cambodia
Links Southeast Asian Archaeology Newsletter SEAArch: keep being posted about latest archaelogy findings and cultural events across Southeast Asia.
Books Voyage dans les Royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge et de Laos by Henri Mouhot Including the famous relation of the January 1860 visit to Angkor site, this edition drew from Mouhot's Diary and previous English and French. In French
Books Henri Mouhot, premier explorateur du Laos (1826-1861) by Jules Roy A documented profile of the later-acclaimed explorer, who had died in Laos and whose fame had not been yet established. In French
Publications Epigraphical Texts and Sculptural Steles Produced under the Vīrabhadravarmadevas of 15th-Century Campā Inscriptions reflect a unified and diverse Kingdom of Champa in the 15th century, before its collapse. In English
Publications L’about inscrit du musée national du Cambodge (K. 943) | The K 943 End Piece at NMC by Julia Estève & Brice Vincent Nouveaux éléments sur le bouddhisme tantrique à l’époque angkorienne | New perspectives on Tantric Buddhism during Angkorean times. In French
Books Champa by R.C. Majumdar Volume I of the "Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East Series" dealt with the Kingdom of Champa, more "indianized" than Angkor. In English
Publications A Commentary on Lboek Angar Vat | 'The Poem of Angkor Wat' | ល្បើកអង្គរវត្ត by Sotheavin Nhim "Once in a glorious time in the time, there was a king who was law-abiding and generous".... In English & Khmer
Publications New Findings Hint at The True Reasons For The Decline of Angkor Civilisation by Alison K. Carter A fresh attempt in explaining the "disappearance-transformation" of the ancient Khmer power center.
Publications The World's Oldest Plan of Angkor by Yoshiaki Ishizawa Who drew the very first known plan of Angkor Wat, the "Jetavana"? In English & Japanese
Books Cambodian Wooden Houses, 1,500 Years of Khmer Heritage by Darryl Leon Collins & Sokol Hok A central element of Cambodian culture, traditions and art, the wooden house is a link connecting Ancient Angkor and modern Cambodia. In English
Publications The Ancient Journey of African Tropical Trees to Southeast Asia by Neha Jain New finds in paleo-botanical studies trace the origin of majestic species in Southeast Asian rainforest back to the African continent. In English
Books L'Annam et le Cambodge, Voyages et récits historiques by C.-E. Bouillevaux With a map of "Indochina", an expanded version of Pere Bouillevaux's 1858 book. In French
Books Indian Cultural Influence in Cambodia by Bijan Raj Chatterji A reference study on early Cambodia, Angkor civilization and its links to Indian culture. In English
Links EFEO Photographic Archives Collection An online treasure for researchers, artists and Angkor lovers. In French
Photos Michael Vickery Photographing Cambodia in the 1960s-1980s by Michael Vickery Cambodia before the civll war as seen by anthropologist and historian Michael Vickery.
Books Angkor: An Introduction by George Coedès 'In the minds of the Khmers, these ruins were never inert buildings without souls, but monuments with a vital quality that still attracts all who see them.' In English
Publications The Life of the Ramayana in Ancient Cambodia: A Study of the Political, Religious and Ethical Roles of an Epic Tale in Real Time by Sophearith Siyonn A remarkable study in the Cambodian version of Ramayana through epigraphic and iconographic sources. In English
Links BKI - Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania One of the oldest publications dedicated to Southeast Asian studies.
Links Angkor National Museum Bulletin ព្រឹត្តិប័ត្រសារមន្ទីរជាតិអង្គរ A useful online resource for researchers and Angkor lovers.
Links Lexique Khmer (Khmer Lexicon FR) An online project for the study of Khmer morphology and pronunciation, as well as a translation tool from French into Khmer
Links Angkor Conservation, Digitized Collections EFEO is developing the digitization of the Conservation d'Angkor Archives, from 1908 to 1992.
Links Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions Online /SEAlang More than half of the some 1,200 Khmer inscriptions retrieved and deciphered are searchable online and indexed by location, date, idiom.
Links Khmerologie Khmer proverbs and sayings commented by a linguist with a good sense of humor, notations on Cambodian customs and mores...
Links CIK (Corpus des Inscriptions Khmeres) | Inventory of Khmer Inscriptions The ongoing revision and expansion of the Inventory of Khmer Inscriptions within the CIK-EFEO Project
Links Pearic Language in the Cardamom Mountains Audio collection of studies of Pear, Chong, Samre, Brao and Tampuan languages developed by Marie Alexandrine Martin in the 1960s and 1970s
Links Journal of Mekong Societies From China to Vietnam and Cambodia, a modern approach to mainland Southeast Asian societies, their history and culture
Links Siddham, The Asia Inscriptions Database A great online resource for inscriptions in the languages of south, central and south-east Asia
Links Lan Sunnary's Audio Archives | Archives Sonores Lan Sunnary Audio collection of lectures given by eminent researchers in Khmer Studies
Links EKA, Ancient Khmer Space Online Documentation 'Khmer heritage research and documentation: Building a digital corpus of archaeological and epigraphic data'.
Links The Journal of The Siam Society Online The prestigious publication in Thai and Southeast Asian studies now online.
Links A Collection of pre-1900s Maps of Cambodia Maps from Dutch, English and French cartographers dating back from the 17th century.
Links An updated website from The Apsara Authority. APSARA stands for Authority for the Protection and Safeguarding of Angkor and the Region of Angkor.
Links The goddesses and women of Angkor.Scholarly, artistic and literary musings in the realm of devatas and apsaras.
Publications The Archaeological Landscape of Koh Ker by Damian Evans A reevaluation of the Koh Ker urban plan based on new archaelogical and scientific explorations since 2006. In English
Books Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cochin-China by John Crawfurd A lively description of mainland Southeast Asia in the 1820s. In English
Publications Chinese Foreign Aromatics Importation from the 2nd century BCE to the 10th century CE by Shiyong Lu How the appetite for spices, fragrant woods and aromatics drove Chinese traders and travelers from early times. In English & Chinese
Publications A Cambodian Vocabulary by Henri Mouhot by Henri Mouhot An appendix to his Travels shows the famous explorer's interest in Khmer language. In English & Khmer
Publications Music and Dance in Ancient Cambodia as Evidenced by Old Khmer Epigraphy by Saveros Pou Author(s): Saveros Pou Source: In English
Publications Factors that Led to the Change of the Khmer Capitals from 15th to 17th century by Sotheavin Nhim Political, strategical, commercial and agricultural motives led to the successive emergence of Khmer capital cities after Angkor lost its central role. In English
Publications Quelques hypotheses sur l'étymologie du terme 'Khmer' | Etymological Speculations on the 'Khmer" Word by Michel Antelme Where did the term 'Khmer' come from? An innovative and stimulating study. In French
Publications Spice Routes and Cultural Influences: The India-Cambodia Culinary Dialogue by Angkor Database A background reading selection about the rich and complex interrelation between India and Cambodia from ancient times to nowadays respective culinary cultures. In English
Publications Khmer Cuisine Vocabulary by Saveros Pou How Khmer culture set apart Sanskrit and Indian-influenced terms for cooking techniques and preparations mostly for rituals and religion-related foods. In English & Khmer
Publications Organisation religieuse et profane du temple khmer du VIIeme au XIIIeme siècle | The Khmer Temple in the 7th-13th centuries, Religious and Secular Organization by Dominique Soutif The ceremonial and social role of the temple space in early Cambodia reconstructed through inscriptions In French
Publications Chronologie des Rois du Cambodge | Kings of Cambodia Chronology by Angkor Database From Antoine Brébion's Dictionnaire de Bio-Bibliographie, Paris, 1935 In French
Publications 2017 Inventory of Khmer Inscriptions by Dominique Soutif & Julia Estève With 1,360 entries, this inventory of Khmer inscriptions will be soon updated, reaching 1,562 'K." numbers In French
Publications 关于《真腊风土记》的作者周达观 | About Zhou Daguan, Author of "Zhenla Fengtu Ji" by Lisheng Duan & Lin Bo & Angkor Database Who really was Zhou Daguan, the first chronicler of Angkor at its peak in 1296 CE? In English & Chinese
Publications The Major Role of the Mons in Southeast Asia by Nai Pan Hla Mon and Mon-Khmer tribes came from the North, not from the South: new insights on an old controversy among linguists and historians. In English
Publications Des mots khmers désignant les 'documents écrits' | Khmer Terminology for Written Documents by Saveros Pou From stone inscriptions to actual books on paper, the terminology of written words and their support In French
Publications One Buddha Can Hide Another by Martin Polkinghorne & Christophe Pottier & Christian Fischer Centered on the Bayon, a diachronic reinterpretation of historical assumptions about the reign of Jayavarman VII, and Angkor during the 16th century In English
Publications A Historiography of Angkor’s River Network by Veronica Walker Vadillo How road transportation took precedence over fluvial and lake navigation in the development of 13th-century Angkor. In English & Khmer
Publications Power and Pragmatism in the Political Economy of Angkor by Eileen Lustig A broad study of politics, economics and the specificity of the Angkorean State. In English
Publications The Western Top Temple’s Stone Blocks by Sok Keo Sovannara Preliminary introduction to the Inscriptions, Graffiti, Marks and Sketched Designs in Prasat Top Lech, previously known as Monument 486. In English
Publications Inscriptions du Phnom Kulen: Corpus existant et inscriptions inédites, une mise en contexte / Phnom Kulen Inscriptions by Jean-Baptiste "JB" Chevance 20 inscriptions in the Phnom Kulen area tell us about the persistence of religious traditions associated to the 'temple-mountain' from pre-Angkorean times. In French
Publications De l’ancienneté de Hariharālaya / A Bakong Inscription and the Datation of Hariharalaya City by Christophe Pottier & Dominique Soutif An epigraphic study on one of the major urban centers preceding Angkor, Hariharalaya. In French
Publications New Perspectives on Early Cambodia from the Lower Mekong Archaeological Project by Miriam T. Stark Searching the source of the Khmer civilization in the Mekong Delta. In English
Publications Jayavarman IV, King Usurper? by Duong Keo New historic approach of the builder of Koh Ker, Jayavarman IV. In English
Publications A Possible Early Thai Route to the Sea by William J. Gedney The south- and east-bound Thai expansion considered by a renowned linguist. In English
Publications Brapamsukulanisamsam and Symbolic Clothing by Ginette Martini The Brapamsukulānisamsam invocation, in Pali and translation, sacred part of Southeast Asia funerary rites. In French
Publications ‘1620’, A Cautionary Tale by Michael Vickery The rivalry between Cambodia and Siam during the 17th century. In English
Publications La toponymie khmère / Khmer Toponymy by Saveros Pou How we can understand (or not) the names of ancient Khmer temples, settlements and landmarks in their modern forms. In French & Khmer
Publications Le rôle du Sanskrit dans le développement de la langue khmère (Sanskrit and The Development of Khmer Language) by Kunthea Chhom Une étude épigraphique du VI au XIV eme siecles | Epigraphic studies from the 6th to the 14th century. In English, French, Khmer & Sanskrit
Publications Angkorian Grandeur & Post-Colonial Cambodia (1953-1970) by Michael S. Falser Angkorian legacy played a central part in the building of national identity and cultural fabric of independent Cambodia. In English
Publications Economie, sociologie et pouvoir / La société cambodgienne (1863-1886) by Maurice Comte Class structure, politics and economical power in pre-colonial Cambodia. In French
Publications The Lost City of Cambodia: Mahendraparvata by Chiara Goia & Joshua Hammer Lidar exploration shows a "template of Angkor Wat" high on the Phnom Kulen plateau. In English
Publications The Legend of Apsara Mera by Suppya Nut Detailed analysis of Princess Norodom Buppha Devi’s choreography for the Royal Ballet of Cambodia. Behind the dance compositions, a whole world of legends,… In English
Photos Visions of Angkor by...Marie-Joseph Guesdon by Marie-Joseph Guesdon Linguist and geographer, Deacon Guesdon was also an amateur photographer who captured daily life scenes of Cambodia in the years 1870s and 1880s.
Photos Maurice Fievet, Visions of Ancient Angkor by Maurice Fievet Re-creation of Ancient Angkor by visionary artist and avid traveler Maurice Fievet (1921-1997)
Photos The first Cambodian postage stamp ever by Angkor Database Angkor Wat in the background of the first Cambodian postage stamp, issued in 1952.
Photos SNAP! 150 Years of Photography at Angkor and around Cambodia by Bambu Stage Impressive collection of period photos capturing Angkor Wat, as well as cultural and daily life through Cambodia history.
Films Les archives de la Conservation d'Angkor, Dans les pas des archéologues (Angkor Conservation Archives) by École Française d´Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Archaeologist Christophe Pottier and Archivist MEY Sovannara present the Conservation d'Angkor archives, a real historic treasure. In French
Films Angkor Wat Temple, from Hindu to Buddhist Shrine by Chanratana Chen History lecture on Angkor Wat by Dr Chanratana Chen In English
Films I Am Angkor Wat by Tim Pek A poetical evocation of Angkor history and its significance for Cambodia young generation. In English
Books Description du Royaume Thai ou Siam by Jean-Baptiste Pallegoix An early account of Angkor and pre-colonial Cambodial included in this compendium on the Siamese Kingdom in the 1830s-1850s. In French
Books Le Royaume de Champa | The Kingdom of Champa by Georges Maspero Mainly based on Chinese sources and local inscriptions, the formidable study on the Kingdom of Champa and what it tells us about Angkor In French & Chinese
Books Lexique des arbres forestiers du Cambodge | Lexicon of the Forest Trees of Cambodia by Pauline Dy Phon & Bernard Rollet One section of the vast study on Cambodian forest trees by botanist Pauline Dy Phon In French & Khmer
Books From Ancient Cham to Modern Dialects: Two Thousand Years of Language Contact and Change by Graham Thurgood The fascinating interaction between Mon-Khmer and Austronesian languages or dialects through the ages. In English
Books La photographie ancienne en Asie (Early Photographs in Asia) by Jérome Ghesquière A publication related to the 2015 exhibition of rare, ancient photographs taken (all before 1890) around Asia, from Afghanistan to Sri Lanka, Japan or… In French
Books Selected Papers on Khmerology / Choix d'articles de khmérologie by Saveros Pou Linguist and ethnologist Saveros Pou has extensively written on Khmer culture, language and traditions. This compilation by Reyum Publishing (Phnom Penh)… In English, French & Khmer
Books Lost Goddesses by Trude Jacobsen The first study addressing the place of women in Cambodian history, or what lays behind the Apsara Smile. In English